Infant Development: Play, Grow, Learn Stuff
Play, Grow, Learn Stuff
I have been immersed in infant development my entire 18 years of practice. Starting with my work at Peel Infant and Child Development, and continuing as coordinator of McMaster Children's Hospital's Neonatal Follow-up Clinic, my primary focus has been on assessing infant development and helping parents support infant development through play, activities, and the home environment.
Before I became a parent I figured I knew enough about infant development that my own child's milestones wouldn't be that big a deal. I was wrong! Watching him gain skills from day to day and week to week was incredible. It made me realize I was in the right area of practice to fit my passion.
Since then, we've grown our family to include three young children, each of whom has developed at their own pace, and with their own strengths, interests, and motivations. What a humbling experience it is to learn from them in a way that has deepened my understanding and appreciation of how amazing infant development is.
When it comes to supporting that development, we often cannot directly impact a child's biology. But we surely can impact their immediate environment, adjust their activities, choose toys wisely, and support them in where they are at.
By focusing on these things, we are able to build on a child's strengths, innate curiosity, skills, and interests. It truly is a pleasure to support families in finding ways to do this that mesh with a family's routines, priorities, and values.
To learn more about infant development, or for an assessment and recommendations to support your infant's development, reach out about my workshops or about a private consultation.